Folclore familiar


lunes, 28 de marzo de 2022

LUNES DE FOLCLORE, CON AEDA: Five Little Ladybugs por Estibi Mínguez

Five Little Ladybugs por  Estibi Mínguez


Five pretty ladybugs sitting on my hand

One says bye bye

and flies away

Four pretty ladybugs sitting on my hand

One says bye bye

and flies away

Three pretty ladybugs sitting on my hand

One says bye bye

and flies away

Two pretty ladybugs sitting on my hand

One says bye bye

and flies away

One pretty ladybugs sitting on my hand

One says bye bye

and flies away

No more pretty ladybugs sitting on my hand

They all fly away

And it’s okay

Por gentileza de AEDA


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